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Thursday, January 22, 2015

⧯ On the Silver Couch: Jesse Darling

☮:Tell us the story of your life in 140ch

Born to white immigrants in Wherever UK. Grew up weird, got a trade, lost my shit, found it back. Came out as 'artist' & the rest is history

☮:What's the most interesting thing you heard recently?

⧯: That the ancient stone lions that appear in eg Athens are a sort of word of mouth meme that travelled from Mesopotamia and that's why they look so funny, because nobody had ever seen one. 

☮: What makes you still living in London?

⧯ : At one point I felt like I would be useful, like there weren't many of my kind here so I should stick around and represent for my community. These days I just don't know, except that everyone has to live somewhere

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

⧯ On the Silver Couch: Phoebe Collings-James

 Artist Phoebe Collings-James 

:Tell us the story of your life:

 ⧯:As a child I was almost constantly naked, preferring life outdoors, trees, mud and mischief. Now as an adult artist my preoccupations are the same. The body, our connection with the earth our identity and sexuality being the points that most excite and fascinate me. 

:How would you define the attitude of your generation of artists?

:YAAAS! Bored, nervous, excited, productive, lazy, fun everything-all-at-oncers. There are so many people with varying agendas. While the consciousness of the market increases and the inability of anyone but the rich to live in any of the worlds metropolis' it can sometimes feel as though only one kind of voice is being heard. But the attitude is still very eager and hungry. Which is exciting. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

웃 ◒ Moyee chair

The whole idea of immersing yourself from outside distractions is very interesting topic for me (click here) so this wild chair is really a must have. Design by Jason Goh and this is first seen on this Instagram account.