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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Padula Part 2

Today I was looking to Andreas' photos of Padula. It seems that I am still desperate for fresh air and the countryside. Milan is kind of stuffy... I am looking forward for my greek island exodus at the end of July. Another thing about Padula also is that I met some very nice people who I immediattely became friends with: Alessandro and John of Lovett/Codagnone (see photos above during their perfomance) and most of all the other artists that took part in the show. Thanks to Martina Cavallarin who took care of all us and of course nothing would have been succeeded without the help of Giampaolo Abbondio of Galleria Pack in Milano.


Anonymous said...

Dear Angelo, your fantastic work brought you to Padula.

Angelo Plessas said...

Thanks again Giampaolo! You are a driving force!