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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

⧯ On the Silver Couch: Quinn Latimer

Writer and poet Quinn Latimer

: Tell me the story of your life in 140 characters
: She read Little Women read Ai Gaitskill Paley ED Lessing she read the Woolf read Carson Sontag Arendt Ferrante Bachmann she wrote she wrote

: What makes a poet nowdays?
:: Language, denial, strange syntax. Concision—while paradoxically wanting “every kind of life,” per Sontag: “What I really wanted was every kind of life, and the writer’s life seemed the most inclusive.”

: Do you read a poem in the same way that you may "read" a painting?
:: No.

: What's your favourite title of a poem or artwork?
:: Poem: “Amorgos,” by Nikos Gatsos (at the moment). Artwork? I love the titles of Michel Auder’s moving-image works—Heads in Love (1970/2009) sounds like a certain kind of British paperback novel; I Am So Jealous of Birds (2001) always cracks me up. But I also like “Untitled” in almost every language.

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