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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Anathena part II

The bulletin board of Anathena at Deste

Marina Gioti, Rebecca Camhi and Marina Fokidis
at the Velvet magazine party


Rebecca Camhi said...

Please notice the smoke around our heads. Do you not wonder how we survived albeit our smiles? LOVE you Angelosays! GREEKS do something about this habit. Hello?

Angelo Plessas said...

Athens: the city of the "bad" cloud of smoke!

Anonymous said...

An den sas aresei na figete.

Angelo Plessas said...

It looks like people are getting offended if you say that smoking is annoying. Whatever....

Anonymous said...

Εχετε δικιο αλλα εδω δεν ειναι Νεα Υορκη

Daphne said...

ναι Αλέξανδρε, δυστυχώς ζούμε στη βλαχο-Αθήνα...

Rebecca Camhi said...

a, o anonymos ειναι τοσο ρομπα που δεν βαζει το ονομα του καλά κάνει και ντρέπεται
β. αλέξανδρε ο κόσμος καπνίζει και στην Νέα Υόρκη ίσως να μην έχεις πάει - απλώς όχι τόσο όσο εδώ και όχι παντού - π.χ. κρατώντας αγκαλιά ένα μωρό, σε πάρκα, σε νοσοκομεία κλπ

Daphne said...

Angelo in case you havent noticed your blog suddenly became the platform for the national smoking ban debate! i'm happy Rebs brought it up though :)

Angelo Plessas said...

I am very happy when my blog is on fire\!!!!

Anonymous said...

Μας αποδειξατε οτι ειστε τις μοδας φετος εσεις οι "αντικαπνιστες"...του χρονου θα λετε τα ιδια?

Angelo Plessas said...

Anonime eisai ridiculous

Daphne said...


Anonymous said...

ρεβεκκα, εχω παει στην Ν Υορκη και ειναι γελοιο το πως εχουν απαγορευσει παντου το καπνισμα. Δεν ειναι τελιως αυταρχικο?

Angelo Plessas said...

I write in english so New York readers can respond.

Alexandre: Because of this New York ban I quit smoking 3 years ago. Since then I realised how good is to be able to run more, to enjoy more the taste in food and how better my skin is. Because of this I don't want anybody to impose his/hers addiction on me in the excuse of "oppressive" rules etc. I hate smoking.

Rebecca Camhi said...

Αλέξανδρε συμφωνώ. παν μέτρον άριστον. point taken

Anonymous said...

kalispera sas

Angelo Plessas said...

Liontamer: I love your comment! lol

iLi said...

my god..anonymous your one rude weasel. im a smoker, i am trying to quit-i have succeeded for 8 months and 6 months the last 2 years- and i STILL hate the smoke when i go dont have to smoke 100 zillion cigarettes with your 1st drink..i mean instead of smoking greeks should start dancing. They always sit with a drink and a cigarette slightly moving their bum and they call that "going out and having fun"..hello?