Random Run is a new idea of Nikola Tosic. " DEFINITION Whatever you are doing (meeting, date, sex, sleep...), just stop it and run as much as you feel like it (for one second or a whole day) for more http://www.randomrun.org/
Paris Hilton's sex video is deja-vu. I was driving throughout Athens this weekend and all I could see was these big billboards advertising a sex magazine with Paris Hilton on the cover. The magazine has a DVD supplement with the uncut version of her homemade sex video, shot in LA few years ago. It is surprising to see a sex magazine with so much advertising. Is it sponsored from somewhere?! ;-)
Clouds are always giving a feeling of happiness. A house with the shape of a cloud sounds like a fairy tale. It is designed by Andreas Angelidakis. angelidakis.com
Vito Campanelli is writing a book about the perception of digital culture. I was asked to answer some questions that Lev Manovich thought for the book. Here is one of them:
While the tools to produce one own media have been more accessible and more powerful, people never consumed more commercial media than now. Thus the essential division between 'media amateurs' and 'media professionals' which got established in the beginning seems to be as strong as ever. Will this situation ever change? What will be the next stage in media consumption after MP3 players, DVD recorders, CD burners, etc, etc, etc.?
Things are more complicated now. The division of the amateurs and professionals is ambivalent. Who can be defined as a pro or amateur finally? A guy that produces music on a single laptop and makes it a Top 10 hit... is he an amateur? Portable video is the next "product" and has more potential than music because of numbers. A top-selling cd can sell 500.000 in week but a cool sitcom can have 40 million in a week. At the same time Hollywood is going bad. It is time for do-it-yourself video producers to contribute to the entairtainment business. Porno too. Video podcasting will be on the spotlight. People already have started heading back to videogames. The death of an online player in a role-playing game like World of Warcraft is bigger headline on Google News than if Tom Cruise is gay or not. more on http://www.vitocampanelli.it/
I first read about Mathias Herrmann almost 3 years ago in Butt magazine. I loved his interview and since then I occassionaly visit his website. In his photos he uses his nude body in a provocative and witty way and comments on going public with his HIV positive status. Besides being an artist and sexy, Matthias is the president of Secession, a prestigious institution for contemporary art in Vienna check here
I was in Barcelona 10 days ago and I enjoyed Tobias Bernstrup's perfomance at the super crowded "Paloma" club. Tobias sang his new songs from the brand new "Killing Spree" cd. For more about Tobias http://www.bernstrup.com